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Sustainable Development Consultants

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Brief Profile

Planet Capital (Pty) Ltd is built on a foundation provided by a highly skilled team with diverse and complimentary skills developed over decades of work in sustainable development with core capabilities in sustainability, energy systems, climate change, environmental resource management, social development and stakeholder engagement and organisational development and training. Its operating model is based on a set of active working partnerships with leading service providers in the field. Planet Capital specialises in providing input into all phases of the project life-cycle and has consistently proven its organisational capacity regarding sustainable development projects in South Africa.

Key members of Planet Capital was the founding Directors of Common Ground Consulting, which was a very sucessfull Sustainable Development Consulting Practice which amongst others was responsible for managing the development of the highly acclaimed National Coastal Management Policy Process for South Africa, and the Port of Durban Container Terminal Development EIA and the Durban Bay Management Plan, to mention but a few of the most acclaimed projects. A key focus of Planet Capital's consulting services has been in the coastal environment, with work ranging from EIA's on various harbour improvement and development projects, estuarine management plans, adressing coastal erosion problems, a number of aquaculture projects (oysters and abalone farms), oil and gas projects as well as a number of renewable energy projects (wind and solar). and a number of Strategic Management Plans for Corporate Companies. 


Planet Capital Energy is aimed at facilitating and developing energy projects that are sustainable, affordable, lower carbon, draw extensively on renewable energy sources, while reducing reliance on large-scale utility grids. Its solutions strive to create partnerships in ownership and governance among community and business consumers, regulators and private service providers. 

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Areas of Expertise

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doing work together

Stakeholder engagement and organisational development and training. Conflict Resolution, Mediation.


Renewable Energy (Wind, solar, hybrid) Planning and Assessment

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Coastal Policy Formulation, Sustainable Coastal Management Advisory Services. Environmental Assessment of Coastal Development Projects.


Aquaculture Planning, Assessment and Implementation/ Operational Guidelines


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Dr Muller Coetzee

Director: Planet Capital and Planet Capital Energy


Muller has some 40 years experience as a Coastal engineer, Environmental Scientist and Entrepreneur in exports and professional services.
He had a thriving career in many different businesses and is also a former Technical Director of a Global Consultancy ERM.
His main areas of specialisation is that of Project Management, Sustainable Development, Environmental Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement.

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David Shandler

Director: Planet Capital and Planet Capital Energy

David has about 30 years experience as Social and Sustainability Advisor and Consultant, as Partner in a global consultancy. He is a  Specialist in Sustainability, Social and Process issues.

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Anthony Dane

Director: Planet Capital Energy

Anthony has some 12 years experience as an energy and climate change mitigation economist. He also has significant sustainability experience in the consulting sector, academia and the mining industry.

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Contact Us

58 Mosselbank Street, Paternoster, 7381, South Africa

+27 (0) 83 325 8732

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